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2010-02-17 03:41:17
The Fourth High Level Forum to be Held in Seoul in 2011

The Fourth High Level Forum is to be held in Seoul in 2011.
The main issues to be dealt with in this forum are the comprehensive
evaluation on the efforts to enhance the aid effectiveness of the Paris
Declaration, the setting of agendas after aid effectiveness, and
reinforcing aid architecture.

Through this forum Korea is to gain a foothold for the role as
middleman in the international development assistance community.
The Korean Government is carrying out projectss to share the
Korean development experience and planning to promote participation
of emerging donor countries such as China and India who have not
been able to actively take part in the existing international development

Internally, Korea should make the process of preparation an opportunity
for overall examination of development system and enhancement of
development capacity. First of all the modification of development system
to minimize the fragmentation of resources and operation must be carried
out as well as in the adoption of international standards.

The HLF-4 will be a site where the changing environment and the new
paradigm of development cooperation will take concrete shape.
The Korean Government and related organizations are expected to
play a leading role in the making of these discussions whose results
will be the 'Seoul Declaration'.