Manager |
2010-02-17 03:37:18 |
Millenium Development Goals |
In September of 2000 the international development community
held the Millenium Summit where measures to solve new challenges
that confront mankind were discussed and established development
goals to reduce poverty. The result of that summit was the adoption
of the Millenium Declaration which later developed to the Millenium
Development Goals(MDGs). This agreement acknowledges the elements
of basic life needs and presents 8 main goals and 48 specific goals
that the international community must achieve by the year 2015.
As part of the efforts to achieve MDGs, the international community
has adopted the Monterrey Consensus which induces raise in the
amount of ODA and to secure development resources. In 2005
the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness was announced to put
focus on result-based management and progress.
Despite these accomplishments the possibility of achieving the
goals by 2015 looks grim as it was presented in the mid-term
evaluation of 2007.
Since the participation of MDGs Korea has continuously increased
the amount of ODA but it is still far insufficient to the level that
the international community suggests. As Korea becomes a member
of OECD/DAC the efforts to expand the amount of ODA to the
demanded level and to implement the goals must be carried out
without delay.